Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, it's even more official now.

I got the winner's icon and certificate.

And the final script stands at 163 pages.

I have now converted all the novel script I had (remember this was an incomplete script I was working from). Job well done, it feels like.

So it's back to 'Crash'. After taking maybe a day or two out.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It's official.

I just ran the Counterworld script through the ScriptFrenzy page count validator.

122 pages.


I'm a winner, baby!

Now I'll just have to wait for them to give me a fancy winner's certificate and a neat little icon to stick on this blog...

Friday, April 18, 2008


Well, I've done it. 101 pages.
So I'm taking it as confirmation that I was right to change scripts. This has been accomplished in little more than a week.

Fallout, here I come ;-)

Script's not finished, of course. I should probably try and finish it, or at least as much of it as I can, given that I'm working from an incomplete novel script.

Aw, I don't know.

We'll see.


Things have been a little dead on the scriptwriting front.

This is because a few days ago I made the fatal mistake of installing Fallout 2. You just can't beat the classics for procrastinative potential.

So now I've made the following deal with myself:
No more gaming until I cross the 100-page line!

Ah, but once I do...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Changing Horses

'Space Race' is dead. Completely dodo.

It felt like a great idea when I started it: very English Englishman gets abducted by flying saucer which subsequently crashes; he's given an emergency cloning but the doctors mess it up so the body he receives is a female version of his original self; he must now find a way to finance the cloning of a proper copy of his male original, not to mention a ride home.
Very H2G2. Yes. The main character was in fact intended to be a mix of Arthur Dent, The Metatron (Dogma), and Alexander Dane (Galaxy Quest). And as for my dream cast, the part would of course be played by the peerless Alan Rickman.
Sadly, I'm on a road to nowhere with this one.
It was meant to be intelligent. Humourous, but also intelligent. But even I can't love this baby. What it is - after 31 pages - is a string of platitudes, double-entendres, so-called 'comic' misunderstandings. Nothing more. Worst of all, I didn't even have an end in my sights.

So I'm consigning this one to the Movie Scripts' Graveyard.
(perhaps one day I'll come back with my virtual spade and engage in a little resurrectionism...)

Instead I've dug out an old NaNoWriMo script that - in all honesty - I'm considering for a major rewrite/revamp/reworking for this year's NaNo. A lot needs changing though. So I'm turning the old version into my ScriptFrenzy- project. Two days' work has yielded 26 pages already, and my keyboard feels as if it's melting. Then perhaps I can write a new version come November. It probably won't have much in common with the old one. Or maybe I'll write Book Two instead - I'm considering padding the idea out to a trilogy. That would be cool.

Anywho: RIP 'Space Race'. I hardly knew ya.

And let's hear it for (drum roll, please...) 'Counterworld' - an epic tale of love, magic, war, and parallel universes. Sound familiar? Well, I never promised it'd be the next LoTR...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Split Personality?

The Screnzy is in full swing, and to my surprise - given that one week ago my head was so overflowing with 'Crash' I hadn't given 'Space Race' much thought at all - things are going well. Thirty-one pages written so far.


While I have managed to distract myself from 'Crash', I can't say 'Space Race' has my undivided attention.

I made the mistake a few days ago of going over the notes from an old fantasy idea that I'm considering reworking for this year's NaNoWriMo (yes, I know, seven months away...) and now I keep getting interference from that. And there's a lot of interference; I'm considering expanding the original idea into a trilogy. I'd love to do a trilogy.
Trouble is, I shouldn't even be thinking about November yet! Especially given that 'Crash' still isn't finished, and finishing it is one of my Big, Fun, Scary goals (and one I really believe I can accomplish).

And on top of that I've got this angsty telepathy-psychodrama-thing brainworming me. Can't use it in 'Space Race' since that's a comedy, so I've started yet another file for that.

Trouble prioritising, much?