Sunday, January 27, 2008

January Word Goal

Okay: I've reached my January word count goal: At the end of December I was at 70338 words; currently the count stands at **85552** words. So that's 15224 words gross in January.

Guess I'll have time to start editing after all.

Friday, January 25, 2008

To Edit Or...?


On the one hand I'm doing all right with my self-imposed monthly word count: I've written approximately 12200 words this month (not counting the 1400 still being considered), so I should reach my target with no excessive perspiration.

On the other hand there's a fairly big chunk at the beginning that I now realise needs some serious rewriting.

But the thing is, the 15000 per month is gross. Which means it has to be relative to the overall word count. So if I start to rewrite the beginning the stuff I write will be cancelled out by the stuff I erase. In other words, it won't make much of a dent on the word count. It might, in fact, decrease it! (oh horror! oh woe!)

Okay, I know it should be about quality, not quantity. But for the purpose of getting the story written in the first place quantity is the better yardstick for me.

So I guess the thing to do is wait until I've fulfilled this month's quota, then start the rewrite in a separate document so I can just copy-paste it once my word count is high enough to let me get away with it.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Big, Fun, Scary Update (with Crash elements)

Okay, here goes:

1) on my goal of writing 15000 words per month: Not there yet. But I have written 8200, and there's another 1400 currently under consideration (a scene that I might/might not decide to use).

1a) on my non-stated goal of completing the first draft by April: I've managed to outline most of the remainder of the plot, and am making headway actually writing it. So definitely on track.

2) on my goal to have somebody actually read the d*mn thing: I have a buddy who likes to write as well (I've tried getting him to NaNo, but so far he's only done one year - however we have Great Plans for this year's Screnzy), and he's not only agreed to read the story, he's actually pestering me for it! So I'm guessing that'll help keep me on track.

3) finances: shambolic :-(

4) creativity: well, I'm maintaining my 365blog. That counts.

5) website: nothing yet.

6) friendcare: Absolutely. Have plans for get-together with Numero Uno Chick Friend for her birthday, and as stated will probably be doing Screnzy with Numero Uno Guy Friend.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Crash Update

Have set myself a firm goal for my novel: Will write a minimum of 15000 words per month, including this one, for Crash.
A less firm goal: Will (hopefully) have finished full first draft of Crash by April 1.

There. No weaselling out now, missy.

New Blog

Not abandoning this one, more than usual anyway:

But I've added a picture blog. It's an added goal on my Big, Fun, Scary list (see previous post).

Just telling y'all.